I started running about three weeks ago so I’m not very fast nor do I know what it’s like to run in the rain. Well, that was true until Saturday. When I started my run it was raining a little, I thought “it will blow over soon.” Before I made it half way through my three mile route everything changed. All at once there were loud claps of thunder, blinding flashes of lightning, and of course the rain came down in buckets. I could hardly see, so I changed my running route and made it a two mile run instead of three. On the way back I found a spot where the water flows over the sidewalk and brings the mud with it. I slid for about five feet but at least I didn’t fall in the mud. The photograph above is of my shoes with some of the mud from my mud slalom sliding. The mud was still there even after running a half mile in the pouring rain. I thought as hard as it was coming down that my shoes would be spotless.
And on a side note there is nothing like lightning to speed up your running time.
Manual: page 276 “The Shooting Menu: Vignette Control”
Inspiration: Kim Larson
I like your running story. Since I never see lighting what makes me run really fast are large dogs, since they will bite more likely than being hit by lightning.
The mud reminded me of Beverly Hills Cop II. Nice simple shot that tells a story.
I’ve been away for a couple of days so I’m catching up quickly. I also need to start running again. Either that or something else to start getting more exercise.
I like the pic of the newspaper from the other day. Very nice perspective.