Today is the last day of my second 365 Challenge. I’m glad I did the photograph a day challenge but I’m also glad that it’s over. There were days that I really had to make the time to create a photograph for that day. It was worth it.
I didn’t really know what I was going to do for the last day, until I got home and realized that it was such a relief knowing that tomorrow I don’t have to post a photography if I don’t want. The photography for today is my interpretation of that relief, kind of like that old Nestea plunge. In the photo I’m surrounded by some of the tools needed over the past year to publish the challenge everyday. There are cameras and lighting equipment, computers, and magazines for inspiration. If you look at the top on the photograph you’ll will even see our dog Lacy who was the subject of Day 1.
Don’t worry I’ll still be posting things here on my blog, like my Photography Word Wednesday that I started a few weeks ago.
Manual: page 298 “Shooting/Display d2: Viewfinder Grid Display”
Inspiration: Ken Blaze
Congratulations! Great picture too!
I’ve enjoyed all 365 photos! The countdown was fun, and this is a great way to end. I’ll be looking forward to more though!
Congratulations! It takes a commitment to to this project right and you do a great Job. I’ll miss your posts as not only was I following the photographic aspect I was enjoying being a fly on your shoulder taking in your day to day life. You have a neat family and everyone seems so together.
Have a beer and enjoy a football game on me. I’ll look forward to your next project.
Joe from Santa Clarita California
Congratulations! I’m in the home stretch & I am completely ready for a break. You have a wonderful year of photos though. I’ve enjoyed them all.
Congrats from me as well on a 365 project well done. Although I post every day, I know that commiting to such a project is something I won’t dare as it could so easily be interupted by something and it takes even more dedication to keep going.
Super picture to end it all off. And I imagine Lacy had a very confused look on her face when she saw all this.
The only way this could’ve been better is if Lacy had come just a bit further into the room so we could see that confused look on her face! 🙂
You have done a wonderful job and your dedication to this is amazing. I have been following your work and I know how hard it must have been to do this everyday. I love the last photo, prefect way to end. I can just see the expression on Lacy face. You love what you are doing and it shows in your work. Your are a great photographer. I am so proud of my son and his family. I love you all. Mom