Motivation can come from many places and there are times that we may not realize it at first. We are motivated by the images we see, by the things we hear, and the actions of others. It was Global Mission week at Johnson Ferry Baptist Church this past week and there were many way to be motivated. It was really moving to learn how God is using people all around the world to spread the gospel of Jesus.
“…go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19)
To be a member of a church that really takes the Great Commission to heart and put it into action is very encouraging.
After hearing stories from global missionaries on Friday night, it is a honor to use the “31 Days of Prayer” brochure provided to pray for the countries that JFBC’s Global Ministries are working with to spread the good new of Jesus Christ our Savior.
What motivates you?
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